Let’s be honest. Seeking advice on how to look after your money may not be as fun as the immediate thrill of spending it, but it could be a rewarding decision in the long run.

Benefits of financial advice
If you’re interested in investing for the future, a carefully thought out financial plan can make a difference. You might think professional financial advice is only necessary when it comes to complex investments or pension planning or for those with lots of money. But even a seemingly straightforward financial goal could involve numerous decisions and a range of different products and providers.
Managing your money is essential. Getting financial advice can be beneficial to help you protect your assets and any further investments you may make to help provide security long-term for yourself and those you love.
Increasingly, people are single in their 20s and often well into their 30s, as they concentrate on building their careers and fulfilling other life goals. At this stage, you might require an inflation-beating savings plan or tax-efficient investment plan if you're starting to think about home ownership.
Sooner or later, most of us will have to start thinking about providing for our future (and that of our family), as well as our current needs during our working lives. This means building up financial assets from which we can draw an income when we eventually stop working. Setting clear investment goals, and monitoring progress towards these goals, is essential in this stage of our lives.
The importance of investing
It's important to think carefully about putting some of your income aside for the future. You may have more money to invest once your children have moved out, for example, or your mortgage repayments may have reduced.
The earlier you start saving and the more you are able to save, the better shape your financial assets are likely to be in when you need to draw on them.
Generating a good investment return has never been a simple matter and there are various factors that can influence your investment strategy:
your investment objectives - what do you want your money to achieve?
the level of risk you're prepared to accept and the potential level of loss your finances can tolerate
the types of investments you should consider in light of your objectives and risk profile
the tax-efficiency of the investments
ongoing management of your investment portfolio
We’re here to help
We can go through the options available to you and discuss the various factors that could affect your investment and provide a personalised, tailored investment plan with the right products for you.
So how can financial advice work best for you? As well as managing your wealth through investments, you may also need specific help arranging a mortgage, or making sure you and your family are protected in the event of something unexpected. We’re here to help advise on any, or a combination, of these.
For personalised financial advice to suit your circumstances, please get in touch.
The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.
Approved by The Openwork Partnership on 15/05/2023.